How to enter

BUY feastables

Buy Feastables in-store


Upload an easy read photo of your receipt below. Each Feastables item found on your receipt will be counted towards your total entries.


Submit up to 10 entries per day for 30 days for a chance to win $10K and a year's supply of Feastables

1 Bar = 1 Entry

Upload your receipt & enter to win!

Confirm your purchase below to enter for a chance to win 10k + a year’s supply of our new chocolate


Pictured: MrBeast holding a Feastables peanut butter chocolate bar
  • The Feastables Blue Wave $10k Daily Sweepstakes begins on February 17th 12:00 a.m. ET and ends on March 17th, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. ET. There will be 30 entry periods each running from 12:00AMET- 11:59ET every day for a total of 30 Prizes over 30 days. Non winning entries will not roll over to the next day.
  • We are giving away $10,000 to 30 different lucky winners! One additional winner will win a years supply of Feastables!
  • Upload your store receipt and follow the instructions above to complete your entry . If you purchased a Feastables bar in store or through Amazon make sure to get a receipt. See official rules here for more info!
  • On or about March 29th, prize winners for each Entry Period will be notified by phone and/or e-mail, using contact information provided or collected at the time of entry.
  • Yes! There is a limit of 10 entries per person, per day, and per receipt, regardless how many bars you purchase (1 bar = 1 entry). You can gain 1 bonus entry for signing up to receive email marketing messages and 1 additional entry for signing up to receive SMS text marketing messages.
  • If you have purchased multiple bars on a single receipt, no need to upload the same receipt multiple times. If the receipt is valid all of your entries will be counted through the system (1 entry per bar up to 10 entries per day).